21 yr old male came to opd with body pain and headache

Chief complaint
generalised body pain from past 15 days associated with headache 

History of present illness
- pain insidious in onset ,gradually progressive ,aggreviates on work , relieves for sometime after resting . It is associated with palpitations and fever .
No h/o nausea vomitting giddiness or blurring of vision 

Past history 
N/k/c/o - DM,HTN, epilepsy ,asthma ,CAD 

Personal history
-sleep is adequate,diet is mixed , appetite is lost ,bowel and bladder movements are regular ,addictions -occasional drinker 

Family history - nil significance

TEMP - afebrile
PR- 88 bpm
BP- 130/80 mm of Hg
RS - 15 cycles / min 

General examination
Patient is concious coherent and cooperative.
He is moderately built and nourished.
No signs of pallor icterus clubbing cyanosis lymphadenopathy oedema.

Cystemic examination
S1 S2 heard 
No abnormal sounds 

No additional sounds heard


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